Priority One SolutionsCustom Software for Office and Industry
 Saturday, July 27, 2024
 Industrial Automation 

SIGMA Event Handler


The Sigma Event Handler is an innovative tool designed to help monitor and manage your industrial manufacturing process by integrating valuable control system data with other analysis and reporting applications. The SIGMA Event Handler, functioning with Rockwell’s SIGMA Server, provides an ideal platform on which to build your reporting enterprise.

The power of the SIGMA Event Handler is found in its tight integration with the SIGMA Kernel Event Logging functionality. These flexible and powerful functions are the building blocks in which events and associated data transactions are configured and distributed.

Whether your solution requires simple data collection scenarios or complex bi-directional data transactions, the SIGMA Event Handler’s flexible architecture can meet your needs.

  • ODBC Connectivity
  • The SIGMA Event Handler connects seamlessly to multiple ODBC data sources using available ODBC drivers.

  • Flexible Trigger Configurations
  • The SIGMA Event Handler uses timed or SIGMA triggered events to initiate multiple sequential data transactions. A timed event may be an absolute time or an interval. SIGMA triggered events take advantage of the powerful and complete SIGMA event logging features such as control system threshold triggers and fault and alarm logging.

  • Reliable Event Handling
  • Since SIGMA triggered events are monitored, collected, and queued on the SIGMA Server, the SIGMA Event Handler won’t miss an event even if it is actively handling other data transactions

  • Communication with Auxiliary Devices
  • As well as timed and SIGMA triggered events, the SIGMA Event Handler can be configured to communicate directly with auxiliary devices via TCP/IP. Data Transactions are triggered upon receipt of the incoming TCP/IP message and can be defined using the message data in fully functional SQL statements.

  • Bi-directional Data Transactions
  • Data transactions can be defined by mapping SIGMA variables directly to database columns or by including SIGMA variables in fully functional SQL statements. Transaction results can also be mapped directly to SIGMA variables or bundled up and sent via TCP/IP to an auxiliary device to support full bi-directional functionality.

Contact us for more information about the SIGMA Event Handler.

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